Build by Yourself

Seekers Python


You need at least Python 3.10 to run this project.

Clone Locally

git clone

Install Dependencies

Setup a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

Install dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements

Get Stubs

Check if the stubs are installed. The stubs are located at seekers/grpc.

If they are missing, you can install them from our release page or compile them on your own. You can check out the stub release here. Extract the files and drop the stubs folder in the location described above.

If you want to compile them on your own, you must first install the requirements-dev.txt and then run

Create Binaries

If you want to create binaries on your own, you can use cx_Freeze. Please note that this step is optional.

First, if you want to setup a virtual environment and install all requirements for building the binaries with only one command, you can use:

bash freeze -i

Alternativly, if you already installed the dependecies like described in the step above, you can just use the command below:

pip install cx_Freeze

For building the binaries for the file, you can use:

bash freeze -s

For building the binaries for the file, you can use:

bash freeze -c

If you want to test your binaries, use the following command:

bash freeze -t


You can find your binaries at the dist folder or you can use to run it.

Seekers Server

Clone Locally

git clone


You need at least Java 11 to run this project.

Compile Project

You compile the project with maven. You do not need to install maven, as it is already installed with the maven wrapper.

./mvnw install


You can find your jar file in the target folder.